Hispanic Heritage Appreciation

The United States’ agriculture industry is made up of an incredibly diverse group of people, making it a very special community to be a part of. American agriculture has been greatly enriched by the contributions of many cultures and nationalities. All across the states, farmers and ranchers come from many different walks of life, but where they differ in backgrounds, they find common ground with a love of working the land. For generations, people of Hispanic heritage have brought this passion and skill to United States agriculture, and National Hispanic Heritage Month, which begins on September 15, is a great reminder of this. The celebration was created to recognize the positive impact and contributions that Hispanic Americans have left on the country.
As the agriculture industry shifts and evolves, one thing remains constant – and that is the presence and growth of Hispanic farmers and farmworkers. The data confirms this: according to the United States Department of Agricultural Census, 57% of farmworkers identify as Hispanic descent. Together, they are responsible for $8.6 billion in agricultural products, operating 21 million acres of farmland. It’s clear that today’s Hispanic farmers and farmworkers are contributing to the legacy of those who came before them, creating even more reasons to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month.
Farmworkers are an absolutely essential workforce that puts food on our tables across the country, powers the economy and supports our communities. In the Yakima Valley alone it has been reported that nearly 60% of the individuals in the farmworker community identify as Hispanic. The statistics are staggering and as an organization rooted in agriculture and community, we recognize the significance this holds in our own supply chain.
Figure 1: YCH Employee Demograhic Representation, 2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report, Pg. 31
The hop industry is a direct benefactor of the work performed by farmworkers. Our growers rely on field workers throughout the growing season to have a successful harvest. This work starts in the early spring which entails digging roots, working irrigation lines, and prepping the field for the upcoming growing season. This is a very strenuous and physically intense process, but a quality crop and successful harvest would not be possible without it. Referencing our supply chain illustration, farm labor is the cornerstone of our company’s existence, and we understand the significance of the hard work that is performed in the field to ensure a bountiful crop each year.

Here at Yakima Chief Hops, we are proud supporters of this significant celebration and want to acknowledge and appreciate the contributions the U.S. Hispanic community has made to advance our economic and agricultural growth.
With the Yakima Valley accounting for a 50.2% Hispanic population, we are grateful and proud of the Hispanic heritage that surrounds us and hope to continually elevate these communities in all facets of our business.
We are excited to peel back the layers of our entire value chain over the course of the year to showcase the cultural significance the Hispanic community plays in our organization. We recognize Hispanic Heritage Month is a set amount of time and want to ensure that we can tell the stories from start to finish from the perspectives of members within our value chain. Stay tuned here and on our social platforms and join us on our quest to dive deep into our supply chain, telling the stories of those behind the scenes who make it all happen.
Javier Navarrete
Shipping Coordinator
Supply Chain Cycle: Fulfill & Ship

Congratulations to Javier Navarrete for a well-deserved award recognizing his work as the Shipping Coordinator at our Sunnyside, WA location!
¡Felicitaciones a Javier Navarrete por un premio bien merecido que reconoce su trabajo como coordinador de envíos en nuestra ubicación de Sunnyside, WA!
"We want to thank Javier for the effort that he puts into his Shipping Coordinator role every day. He always has a positive attitude and never denies helping someone when the need arises. Without question, he steps in and wears multiple hats when needed. He does a fantastic job leading our shipping operations when he’s flying solo. Javier is largely responsible for ensuring the right product gets shipped to our customers from the SS/FGX correctly, and on a regular basis. He is dedicated to his work, he is a positive role model, and demonstrates every aspect of our core PRIDE values, regularly." - Lisa Garcia, YCH Chief People Officer
"Queremos agradecer a Javier por el esfuerzo que pone en su función de Coordinador de envíos todos los días. Siempre tiene una actitud positiva y nunca niega ayudar a alguien cuando surge la necesidad. Sin lugar a dudas, interviene y usa múltiples sombreros cuando es necesario. Él hace un trabajo fantástico liderando nuestras operaciones de envío cuando vuela solo. Javier es en gran parte responsable de garantizar que el producto correcto se envíe a nuestros clientes desde el SS/FGX correctamente y de manera regular. Está dedicado a su trabajo, es un modelo a seguir positivo, y demuestra todos los aspectos de nuestros valores fundamentales PRIDE, regularmente". - Lisa García, Directora de Personal.
Number of Years Working at YCH / Número de años trabajando en YCH:
15 years
15 años
What is the most rewarding part of your role or working in hops? / ¿Cuál es la parte más gratificante de tu trabajo trabajando con lúpulo(hape)?
I’m blessed to be part of such an awesome crew, they make work not feel like work. I enjoy being a part of such an amazing company and team. I take pride in the local agriculture, its part of our Hispanic heritage.
Tengo la suerte de ser parte de un equipo tan increíble, hacen que el trabajo no se sienta como trabajo. Disfruto ser parte de una compañía y un equipo tan increíbles. Me enorgullezco de la agricultura local, es parte de nuestra herencia hispana.
What are you most proud of in your job? / En tu trabajo, ¿de qué estás más orgulloso?
I’m proud of all my achievements I’ve accomplished within the company. I’ve Learned new things about the hop and shipping industry.
Estoy orgulloso de todos mis logros que he logrado dentro de la empresa. Aprendí cosas nuevas sobre la industria del lúpulo y el envío.
Why is what you do important to brewers and beer drinkers? / ¿Por qué es importante lo que haces para los cerveceros y bebedores de cerveza?
The pressure is on me, one mistake can cost the company and brewers money. I must make sure that we are shipping the correct product on time to our brewers. As for the drinkers, if the brewers can’t brew, then the drinkers can’t drink.
La presión está sobre mí, un error puede costar dinero a la empresa y a los cerveceros. Debo asegurarme de enviar el producto correcto a tiempo a nuestros cerveceros. En cuanto a los tomadores, si los cerveceros no pueden elaborar cerveza, entonces los tomadores no pueden tomar.
What would you like to share about your heritage/culture with others? / ¿Qué te gustaría compartir sobre tu patrimonio/cultura con otros?
My culture taught me to be ambitious, not to sit around waiting for things to come but to go and get what I want in life.
Mi cultura me enseñó a ser ambicioso, a no quedarme sentada esperando que las cosas vengan, sino a ir y conseguir lo que quiero en la vida.
What accomplishments are you most proud of? / ¿De qué logros estás más orgulloso?
My journey of 15 years here at Yakima Chief. Starting from extract operator to forklift operator, to inventory forklift operator, and making it to my position now Shipping Coordinator.
Mi viaje de 15 años aquí en Yakima Chief. Comencé de operador de extracción a operador de montacargas, a operador de montacargas de inventario, y llegué a mi puesto ahora como Coordinador de Envíos.
What advice would you give our youth? / ¿Qué consejo le darías a nuestros jóvenes?
EXPAND YOUR KNOWLEDGE!!! Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. There is a big world out there, go experience it and never give up on your dream.
AMPLÍA TUS CONOCIMIENTOS!!! Todo es posible si te lo propones. Hay un gran mundo ahí fuera, ve a experimentarlo y nunca renuncies a tu sueño.
Who do you look to for inspiration or mentorship? / ¿A quién recurre en busca de inspiración o tutoría?
I look up to my father, he taught me how to provide, nurture and guide. He is a hardworking man with a heart of gold.
Spanish: Admiro a mi padre, él me enseñó cómo proveer, nutrir y guiar. Es un hombre trabajador con un corazón de oro.
February: Coming Soon...
Felipe Avalos
Warehouse Supervisor
Supply Chain Cycle: Plant, Grow, Harvest

Number of Years Working at YCH / Número de años trabajando en YCH:
40 years
40 años
What is the most rewarding part of your role or working in hops? / ¿Cuál es la parte más gratificante de tu trabajo trabajando con lúpulo(hape)?
Knowing that I learn something new every harvest.
Saber que aprendo algo nuevo cada cosecha.
What are you most proud of in your job? / En tu trabajo, ¿de qué estás más orgulloso?
From the time that I have been working and learned new things.
Del tiempo que llevo trabajando y aprendido cosas nuevas.
Why is what you do important to brewers and beer drinkers? / ¿Por qué es importante lo que haces para los cerveceros y bebedores de cerveza?
Because I see that there are more brewers who visit us every year.
Porque veo que son más cerveceros que nos visitan cada año.
What would you like to share about your heritage/culture with others? / ¿Qué te gustaría compartir sobre tu patrimonio/cultura con otros?
The importance of friendship with our coworkers and good communication.
La importancia de la amistad con nuestros compañeros de trabajo y la buena comunicación.
What accomplishments are you most proud of? / ¿De qué logros estás más orgulloso?
To have 40 years working and that the bosses like my work.
De tener 40 Años trabajando y que los patrones les guste mi trabajo.
What advice would you give our youth? / ¿Qué consejo le darías a nuestros jóvenes?
That they study because if they don't study, they will have to work with me.
Que estudien porque si no estudian ban a tener que trabajar conmigo.
Who do you look to for inspiration or mentorship? / ¿A quién recurre en busca de inspiración o tutoría?
With someone who has more experience than me.
Con Alguien que tenga más experiencia que yo.
Maurilio Frayle
Warehouse Supervisor
Supply Chain Cycle: Receive, Produce, Package & Store

Number of Years Working at YCH / Número de años trabajando en YCH:
20 Years as a Full Time Employee. My first year with the company as a seasonal worker was August of 1993, total of 27 Years.
Tiempo completo 20 años. Mi primer año en esta empresa era agosto de 1993. Lo cual ase un total de 27 años.
What is the most rewarding part of your role or working in hops? / ¿Cuál es la parte más gratificante de tu trabajo trabajando con lúpulo(hape)?
Knowing that you are participating in a process where they acknowledge your hard work.
Es saber que estas participando en un proceso y toman en cuenta tu esfuerzo y tu trabajo
What are you most proud of in your job? / En tu trabajo, ¿de qué estás más orgulloso?
The achievements that I have had, and to form part of YCH.
De los logros que he tenido y de formar parte de esta compañía.
Why is what you do important to brewers and beer drinkers? / ¿Por qué es importante lo que haces para los cerveceros y bebedores de cerveza?
It is important because the product that we receive derives the quality of the hop and we can offer quality product for your beer.
Es importante porque del producto que recibimos se deriva. La calidad del lúpulo y les podemos ofrecer calidad en el producto para su cerveza.
What would you like to share about your heritage/culture with others? / ¿Qué te gustaría compartir sobre tu patrimonio/cultura con otros?
I have learned a lot in the years that I have been working for YCH. I would like to share that we should always take into consideration the ideas of everyone else, even if they are not the greatest ideas, the point is to share ideas.
He aprendido bastante en los años que tengo trabajando para YCH pero me gustaría compartir algo: siempre hay que tomar en cuenta las ideas de los demás aunque no sean las mejores. Es mejor compartir ideas.
What accomplishments are you most proud of? / ¿De qué logros estás más orgulloso?
There are many achievements, but what fills me most with pride is to have arrived to the position that I am in now within YCH and that it is the place where we receive the most quantity of hops in the whole hop industry.
Hay muchos logros, pero lo que mas me llena de orgullo es haber llegado a la posision que tengo en esta empresa y que somos el lugar donde se recibe la mayor cantidad de lúpulo en toda la industria.
What advice would you give our youth? / ¿Qué consejo le darías a nuestros jóvenes?
To not give up on your jobs, to never lose your way of being, the essence and your humility; respect is the most important.
Que no se den por vencidos en sus trabajos. Que nunca pierdan su forma de ser la esencia y la humildad y el respeto es lo más importante.
Who do you look to for inspiration or mentorship? / ¿A quién recurre en busca de inspiración o tutoría?
My inspiration has always been Pedro Venegas, because he is one of those people that started working on the farms, and worked his way up - step by step - and thanks to him I have learned a lot of what I know now.
Mi inspiración siempre ha sido Pedro Venegas, porque es una de los personas que empezó desde abajo trabajando en el campo y ha logrado escalar paso a paso y gracias a el, he aprendido mucho de lo que ahora se.
Editor's Note: Pedro Venegas is on the Executive Leadership team at Yakima Chief Hops as the Vice President of Grower Relations.